Going to New Zealand
Happy Easter! I know, it’s be another long time since an update. I’ll keep this one short and add more later.
I’m taking 6 weeks off of work (a Easter miracle in itself!) and will be going to New Zealand. An amazing stroke of luck has given me this time off, so I’m going to go enjoy it and then return to the mundane work-a-day world when I get back. I’ll be gone from April 19th – May 30th. The plan is to rent a car, and drive through both the north and south islands. I’ve got a rough itinerary down, and now I’m getting it more solidly planned. Hopefully I’ll be updating this blog and maybe opening a flickr account to make my picture updates easier. I also went out and dumped a ton of money into a Canon 5D. Yes, the 5D is the first really ‘affordable’ full-frame digital SLR (aka full-frame at less than $8000). I’ve only been using it a few days, but it is so amazing. Now I have all the glass from my expensive lenses back (as opposed to the EF-S style cropped sensor). I’ll be taking that baby along with me and you’ll be seeing the results of those photos during my trip.