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Category: AI

AI generated presidental debates

AI generated presidental debates

Following on a long string of AI generated Twitch channels – TrumpOrBiden2024 created an AI based presidential debate channel on Twitch. These things get more and more interesting. Will we reach a point we can’t tell the difference?

The channel creator is pretty clever by pitting donations/subs against each other to raise money. Looks like he’s got well over $50,000 right now (no word if he’s resetting each week he puts it up – but I wouldn’t be surprised) and it’s pretty neck-and-neck.

People will ask inappropriate things at times, so it’s kind of an 18+ age group since you never know what someone will ask.

Open Source has some big questions ahead

Open Source has some big questions ahead

There’s no doubt that open source software makes up the majority of the world’s internet services. However, some recent, and not so recent problems are starting to shine the light on some of the problems facing the open source communities.

  1. Malicious maintainers and contributors – xz compression backdoor that went for an amazingly long time before it was detected. The backdoor was added by a contributor Jia Tan who had been making contributions for 2 years. The level of obfuscation and sophistication was unprecedented. It was only discovered by a very astute senior Microsoft engineer.
  2. Hacking of open source maintainers/distro servers – was infected and came to light in 2011, when kernel maintainers revealed that 448 accounts had been compromised after attackers gained root system access to servers connected to the domain. There’s no evidence source was changed, but it just as easily could have.
  3. Open source burnout – The burnout levels among Rust developers spawned an interesting article that really speaks to general burnout problems. Honestly, this is just one more example of why ‘passion’ jobs are bad for you and what you really want is a job you work 8-5 and then unplug from completely.

That’s by no means the entire list. Open source is now the backbone of our modern computer infrastructure – and is under attacks from more threats than it has ever faced. From ransomware hacker groups, for-profit botnets, all the way to the increasing occurrences of state-sponsored hackers/infiltrators. The attacks and manipulations can now be combined with AI actors and code to create nearly limitless attack vectors and attackers.

Combine this with unpaid contributors that need to police themselves and this represents some serious threats.

The New Stack has a great article describing the new challenges facing open source development.

AI has become skilled at deceiving people

AI has become skilled at deceiving people

AI systems have already demonstrated the ability to bluff in a game of Texas hold ’em poker against professional human poker players, to fake attacks during the strategy game Starcraft II in order to defeat opponents, and to misrepresent their preferences in order to gain the upper hand in economic negotiations.

The most striking example of AI deception the researchers uncovered was in their analysis of Meta’s CICERO, an AI system designed to play the game Diplomacy – a world-conquest game that involves building alliances. CICERO placed in the top 10% of human players who had played more than one game; but the methods it used were the most interesting.

Even though Meta claims it trained CICERO to be “largely honest and helpful” and to “never intentionally backstab” its human allies while playing the game, the data the company published along with its Science paper revealed that CICERO used multiple kinds of deception such as premeditated deception, betrayal, and outright falsehood (faking being on the phone with its girlfriend).


David Attenborough Narrating your life – or your cat’s adventures

David Attenborough Narrating your life – or your cat’s adventures

Replicate built a GPT-4 powered vision + ElevenLabs python script so you can star in your own Planet Earth episode narrated by David Attenborough. (Code:

AI Raspberry Pi Cat Detection constantly monitors your feline friend and immediately sends you an email the moment it makes mischief. You can also configure the AI narrator to keep you posted on your cat’s activities

Your bedtime story has been replaced by AI

Your bedtime story has been replaced by AI

Do your kids like bedtime stories? Stefano Mazzocchi has put Fably, the AI storytelling companion, on a Raspberry PI Zero.

Just push the button, tell it what kind of story you want, and enjoy the results. So much for bedtime stories with the kids.

This project is open source and you can build one for yourself or run it from your laptop. The project is located here:


Fifth Element – 1950’s style

Fifth Element – 1950’s style

Abandoned Films is back with another trippy, AI-generated movie trailer. This time, they took the 1997 sci-fi classic The Fifth Element and applied a 1950’s big-screen aesthetic.

While definitely not perfect, these AI generated trailers are amazing ways to generate and explore artistic concepts.

Realtime Human ‘tele-operation’

Realtime Human ‘tele-operation’

Carnegie Mellon researchers have developed a real-time human tele-operation system. Using a simple camera, it is able to read the actions of a human person and then translate that into real-time full-body control of a robot.

Individuals can now seamlessly teleoperate full-sized humanoids to execute a myriad of actions. According to researchers, they can perform simple tasks like picking and placing objects to dynamic movements like walking, kicking, and even boxing.

Read the paper here:

There’s lots of possibilities for this kind of remotely operated humanoid robotic system. Remotely controlled humanoid robots could save countless lives operating in dangerous environments.

They could be used to go in and shut down equipment after dangerous chemical or industrial accidents. Search dangerous buildings for survivors after earthquakes. They could perform dangerous police or urban warfare operations without loss of life. Stop terrorist by defusing bombs. Another such place would be effecting repairs, shutdowns, and cleanup in highly radiated areas like Chernobyl, Fukushima, or when there are nuclear accidents. In the future, we may never need the horrors of Chernobyl’s biorobots to deal with such disasters.


Create a playable game from a single image

Create a playable game from a single image

Google researchers have published a new artificial intelligence model that can take a text prompt, sketch or idea and turn it into a virtual world you can interact with and play.

Named Genie, the virtual world model was trained on gameplay and other videos found online and is currently a research preview. The games are 2D platformer style games.

Genie can be prompted with images it has never seen before, such as real world photographs or sketches, enabling people to interact with their imagined virtual worlds-–essentially acting as a foundation world model. This is possible despite training without any action labels. Instead, Genie is trained from a large dataset of publicly available Internet videos. We focus on videos of 2D platformer games and robotics but our method is general and should work for any type of domain, and is scalable to ever larger Internet datasets. 
