Days 1 & 2 up in the photo journals section
Selected photos from days 1 and 2 in Christchurch are up in the photo journals section. Go check them out!
Selected photos from days 1 and 2 in Christchurch are up in the photo journals section. Go check them out!
You’ll notice that I’m continuing to add updates from my trip. I’ll try to put a few up every couple of days. Pictures are coming along; but there are almost 4000 of them. The Canon 5D was purchased only 90 days ago, but I’m already well over the 5000 picture mark on it. My review: this thing rocks.
As a side note, I’ll be selling my Canon 300D w/ kit lens and accessories shortly. It’s a very complete kit (box, docs, reg card) and was recently fully serviced by Canon. It’s in excellent condition and has served me very well. If you’re interested, drop me a line.
Yes, I’m back, but my updates stopped at the end of the south island. Long story short – AWESOME! I’ve started sorting the photos, but I took almost 4000 and most of them in raw mode. It takes a long time to convert 12.5mp photos from raw and sort them! Anyway, I got days 1 and 2 done and put them on my flickr account. It won’t be big enough to hold everything, but is a good start: