Updated information on the Larrabee multi-core project
The blog from Bill Kircos pretty much says it all. Pay particular attention to item #3 in his list:
The blog from Bill Kircos pretty much says it all. Pay particular attention to item #3 in his list:
A video tour outside and inside of this really amazing building/sculpture composed of gigantic, clear-plastic rods sticking out like a porcupine. First time I’ve seen any video/images of the inside.
UK Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010 by Thomas Heatherwick from Dezeen on Vimeo.
Fascinating analysis of job sectors and projected areas where high-job growth will be/not be. Who knew the bureau of Labor actually did semi-useful and interesting work?
Big winners (they have really detailed breakdowns too – quite fascinating):
Big Losers:
Green safety bike-boxes ‘do nothing’:
Portland paid $200,000 to paint little green bike boxes at a few intersections to curb bike/car accidents. When this idea came up – a great number of voices lauded it. Well, after an actual independent study – it’s proven they don’t do much either way – mostly because there were statistically so few accidents to begin with involving intersections such as these. Maybe it helps raise awareness of bikers by putting them in front of you? Don’t know, but glad someone is actually studying the effectiveness of these efforts.