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Month: May 2014

Installing WordPress using XAMPP

Installing WordPress using XAMPP

When customizing/working on a new WordPress layout – it’s better if you don’t do it on your live blog.  Instead, install XAMPP

You can then set up the database and install WordPress in the httpdocs/ directory – but that’s not a straightforward/easy process.

Instead of all the extra setup, you can also use Bitnami’s WordPress application that installs WordPress for you and takes care of a lot of the annoying database and other setup bits.  They have versions for Windows, OS X, and Linux to make your life easier.

After setup, instead of the WordPress files being in the normal httpdocs\ directory, Bitnami’s WordPress on top of XAMPP puts the WordPress files in X:\..\XAMPP\apps\wordpress


Steam OpenGL tracer/debugger VOGL

Steam OpenGL tracer/debugger VOGL

Steam Developer Days were a little while ago, but As a member of the Intel GPA team, I found their VOGL new tool announcement to be very interesting.  It’s a new graphics debugging/tracing tool – this time from Valve.

Here’s the link to Rich Geldreich’s Blog and gives all the details:
VOGL – OpenGL Tracer/Debugger

You can find the github distribution of the software here:


XAMPP on Windows – Port 443 used by VMware

XAMPP on Windows – Port 443 used by VMware

I was just installing XAMPP on my windows 7 x64 box, I tried to start Apache and got this message:

Problem detected!
Port 443 in use by ""C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-hostd.exe" -u "C:\ProgramData\VMware\hostd\config.xml"" with PID 4688!
Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port

Unfortunately, VMWare Workstation places it’s host ports on the same ones needed by Apache.  The solution is to change the apache ports via this procedure:

  1. Open the XAMPP Control Panel
  2. Click the ‘Config’ button next to the Apache module and select the ‘Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)‘ option
  3. A text edit box will pop up with the contents of httpd-ssl.conf
  4. Find the line with Listen 443
  5. Change 443 to some other open port – like 4430
  6. Do a search/replace in the file for all the references to 443 and change them to 4430 (should be like 3-4 of them)
  7. save and exit the editor
  8. Start Apache

If all goes well, it should start right up on ports 80, 4430.  Test it by going to localhost in your web browser and you should see the familiar xampp control panel

Update 2020-02-02:
Thanks to Spadez for this additional info:

I found I also had to set it via the Service and Port Settings in the Xampp Config. In the Xampp control panel click the Config button then the Port settings button and set the port number there.