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Category: Photography

Getting closer to synthetic people

Getting closer to synthetic people

Microsoft has released a fascinating new framework for generating lifelike talking faces called VASA-1.

Given a single static image and a speech audio clip, VASA-1 is capable of producing lip movements that are synchronized with the audio and capture a large spectrum of facial nuances and natural head motions.

See more here, read the paper here and here.

Getting worried you’ll be replaced by AI yet? If this gets perfected (it’s not perfect yet, but the results get better and better each year), then you can pretty much get rid of any ‘talking head’ jobs.

This could also be used to fool people on conference calls where video quality would totally render any minor glitches as unnoticeable or easily ignored as just streaming artifacts.

Just slap the CEO’s face into this, set up a conference call with finance via some very easy phishing, and approve that $1m transfer to your Swiss bank account.

3D from 2D photographs

3D from 2D photographs

Emm used her iPhone 12 Pro + @Scenario3d iphone app to generate this 3D image of her daughter.

Scenario makes a number of products. Read more about Scenario3d here.

LumiLabs also has some of their own offerings to capture scenes.


Using Unreal in Dune 2

Using Unreal in Dune 2

Dune 2 cinematographer Greig Fraser talks about using Unreal Engine to visualize the shots he wanted in the movie. It’s part of a trend of using Unreal as a previsualization and rendering engine for a variety of high quality, high budget movie productions.

2024 Eclipse resources

2024 Eclipse resources

Just getting to the location of an eclipse is only half the battle. The rest of the trick is the weather; which is often only known 2-3 days before the event. It’s a very good idea to have a changeable fares for air, hotel, and car rentals. For the 2024 eclipse, I needed to switch from Austin, TX to Indiana 2 days before the event. Fortunately I had paid for changeable reservations with became key.

The other part was knowing where to go for accurate data and who to trust. Here’s some of the resources I used:

Eclipse Path Tracking


The most important part was cloud cover. There was a lot of last minute nail biting and plan changes trying to make your bet on where the clouds would split.

Day-of visible live cloud pattern and prediction websites to know where to drive to avoid clouds!

Article Links:
byu/chredit from discussion
Arsenal camera assistant

Arsenal camera assistant

The Arsenal device attaches to your camera and provides a number of previously more manual operations. It’s supposed to automate photo stacking, long exposures, focus stacking, timelapse, removes moving elements (people/cars/etc), color enhancing, and other features using advanced intelligence and AI.

I got captured by their ad because almost everything was filmed here in Oregon and boy is it slick looking:

Is it any good? I wondered if they were able to put the smarts of a good photographer into a device. Well…the British aren’t one for candy coating things:

So, it’s another great reminder that you should take the fabulous promises in a slick video and a smash Kickstarter with a grain of salt.

How to get amazing camera shots

How to get amazing camera shots

Luke Edwin shares this video collection of cool and often very simple tricks to get some interesting effect shots. Motion controlled greenscreen, shots that zoom in and out through objects, slow-motion effects, product shots and lots of little effects used in many modern videos. It’s pretty incredible these techniques and equipment are achievable by just about anyone for a very limited budget.

Equipment demonstrated:

Render using a virtual lens onto film – in Blender

Render using a virtual lens onto film – in Blender

Sirrandalot is not the first person to use a film-grain/film-like shader effect to give a certain feel. He is, however, the first to use Blender’s Cycles path-tracing engine to create a highly detailed physical modeling of a 3D camera body, simulate the various properties of a glass lens (then multiple lens system), the properties of chemical film, and then render scenes through this highly complex setup to generate real film-like images. Check out the final not-photos here or on Imgur.

You can download the camera and play with it yourself.