Utopia Must Fall

Utopia Must Fall

PixelJam has done a fantastic job re-inventing the old vector graphics game style in a new and creative way with their upcoming Utopia Must Fall (Steam). Add to that some stellar soundtrack, fun gameplay, and deep progression path; and it’s kind of what retro arcade reboots should be.

Even better, you can play it online for free.

Attaching a ST-225 hard drive to a 486

Attaching a ST-225 hard drive to a 486



Informational links:

Anime Studios

Anime Studios

Anime has grown in popularity. Just like the US that has many animation houses (ex: Disney, Hanna Barbera, Cartoon Network, Warner Bros, etc), there are many Japanese studios and many are known for their particular styles and genres.

Arikendo’s video is informative because it gives you a great overview of all the major studios. There is information about the founder, leaders, styles they are known for, business models, and other tidbits such as working conditions at these studios. I found some studios and series I wouldn’t have even known about.

Some tidbits: the story of a WIT worker that claimed working 391 hours in one month (over 13 hour days, 7 days a week for a whole month). KyoAni that treats it’s employees really well and has high profits from selectively producing titles from their annual Kyoani awards. Or the sad story of a worker at A-1 Pictures that died after working around 600 hours a month (20 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Are others a gift or a problem

Are others a gift or a problem

There are many reasons to be pessimistic with recent global and local events. So what is the joy of the Catholic? Cardinal Luis Tagle gives the homily at the closing mass of the National Eucharistic Congress and help us understand.

Do we see others as problems or gifts? Our parents? Our spouses? The poor? The old? The sick? Our parents? Bosses? Coworkers? When we see others as gifts, we find joy in the uniting mission of giving ourselves to the work of love. If we see others a problems, then we seek only our own desires and turn inward.

Just as Jesus gave his body for the world on the cross and in the eucharist, we give ourselves as gift to the world. He gives us some questions to see if we are manifesting that joy and mission to the world.

Portland Dumpster Days

Portland Dumpster Days

Got big, bulky items you want to throw out? Don’t want to pay for dump fees? Enter Portland Dumpster Days.

Portland bureau of Planning and Sustainability is hosting community drop points in the city just about every week. Check out when the next one is located so you can dump your bulky items for free.

AI generated presidental debates

AI generated presidental debates

Following on a long string of AI generated Twitch channels – TrumpOrBiden2024 created an AI based presidential debate channel on Twitch. These things get more and more interesting. Will we reach a point we can’t tell the difference?

The channel creator is pretty clever by pitting donations/subs against each other to raise money. Looks like he’s got well over $50,000 right now (no word if he’s resetting each week he puts it up – but I wouldn’t be surprised) and it’s pretty neck-and-neck.

People will ask inappropriate things at times, so it’s kind of an 18+ age group since you never know what someone will ask.


Open Source has some big questions ahead

Open Source has some big questions ahead

There’s no doubt that open source software makes up the majority of the world’s internet services. However, some recent, and not so recent problems are starting to shine the light on some of the problems facing the open source communities.

  1. Malicious maintainers and contributors – xz compression backdoor that went for an amazingly long time before it was detected. The backdoor was added by a contributor Jia Tan who had been making contributions for 2 years. The level of obfuscation and sophistication was unprecedented. It was only discovered by a very astute senior Microsoft engineer.
  2. Hacking of open source maintainers/distro servers – Kernel.org was infected and came to light in 2011, when kernel maintainers revealed that 448 accounts had been compromised after attackers gained root system access to servers connected to the domain. There’s no evidence source was changed, but it just as easily could have.
  3. Open source burnout – The burnout levels among Rust developers spawned an interesting article that really speaks to general burnout problems. Honestly, this is just one more example of why ‘passion’ jobs are bad for you and what you really want is a job you work 8-5 and then unplug from completely.

That’s by no means the entire list. Open source is now the backbone of our modern computer infrastructure – and is under attacks from more threats than it has ever faced. From ransomware hacker groups, for-profit botnets, all the way to the increasing occurrences of state-sponsored hackers/infiltrators. The attacks and manipulations can now be combined with AI actors and code to create nearly limitless attack vectors and attackers.

Combine this with unpaid contributors that need to police themselves and this represents some serious threats.

The New Stack has a great article describing the new challenges facing open source development.