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Category: Local Interest

Portland Dumpster Days

Portland Dumpster Days

Got big, bulky items you want to throw out? Don’t want to pay for dump fees? Enter Portland Dumpster Days.

Portland bureau of Planning and Sustainability is hosting community drop points in the city just about every week. Check out when the next one is located so you can dump your bulky items for free.

Now Oregon software has been shrinking since 2022, chips and entrepreneurs since 2023

Now Oregon software has been shrinking since 2022, chips and entrepreneurs since 2023

Not content to see 3 years of decreasing population, Oregon is now seeing its innovation hubs of software and chip design dry up and move away.

Software employment statewide is down 7.4% from its peak in the summer of 2022. The software cutbacks may mirror what’s happening in Oregon’s chip industry, which boomed during the pandemic and then lost jobs last year.

Venture capital investment in Oregon startups fell sharply last year — to its lowest level since 2017. Relatively few entrepreneurs are starting tech companies in Oregon and those that are launching don’t seem to be attracting much attention. The Portland Incubator Experiment, which was at the center of Oregon’s software boom a decade ago, shut down its tech component last summer as tech entrepreneurship waned.

The article noted that Multnomah County now has one of the highest personal income tax rates that is likely making Portland less attractive for ambitious entrepreneurs.


Oregon keeps losing population

Oregon keeps losing population

While other states are recovering from all the things that happened during Covid, Oregon went from being one of the #1 places to move to now one of the 8 states that is now losing population as people move away.

The picture is even a little worse than a one-year metric because this isn’t a one time thing. Oregon, and the city of Portland, has lost population for 3 years running. The state demographers have been using their own numbers and ignoring US Census data; and have been wrong (3 years in a row) saying these were only blips and incorrectly predicting quick rebounds.
Demographers are now starting to sounding economic impact alarm bells and the state faces the possibility of losing a seat in congress. Some have pointed out that this is exactly how rust belts formed in the NE.

Oregon now has the dubious distinction of ending up on a recent Visual Capitalist chart.

Distracted Clackamas driver launched into orbit

Distracted Clackamas driver launched into orbit

Absolutely amazing this was caught on dash cam, even more amazing they lived. Emergency responders had to deploy a rope system to carry the driver 200 feet up the hill.

Anarchist in Portland advertising their violence

Anarchist in Portland advertising their violence

It’s a long-running joke that Portland anarchists have become extremely bold since the BLM riots curtailed most arrests and lack of any prosecutions. Locals on forums report they’re now increasingly advertising their attacks by putting fliers around – even in places with children like this one found in the Sellwood library.

Too bad that actual black lives do not matter to these same folk when they attacked and caused a possible heart attack to a much beloved black PSU campus security officer Willie Halliburton. They then blocked medical crews as soon as they arrived to help him during an apparent heart attack caused by the confrontation. A shining example of what many locals already know – that anarchists love to take over protests to spread destruction and violence. They could care less about black lives.

Sadly it’s just another 2024 weekday in Portland’s streets.

Dean’s Scene Home Brewery

Dean’s Scene Home Brewery

I recently found out about an old-Portland speakeasy. Dean opened up his basement in NE Freemont for people to come hang out and drink. He made some beers, ‘gave’ them away for a $20 door donation, and never bothered to get a liquor license or card people. People would come hang out in his basement and have some beers.

He got shut down in 2014 by the OLCC and it appears he died just a few years later, but not before he had tons of people swing by. He didn’t bother to card and it was apparently quite the little hangout.

It appears it was purchased and re-opened in 2018 after being under uncertain ownership.

Read about more legitimate undeground bars here.


Become a Historic Summer Ranch Caretaker

Become a Historic Summer Ranch Caretaker

On the heals of taking bids for concessionaires to run the French Glen hotel near the Steens Mountains in remote Southeast Oregon, a historic ranch in eastern Oregon is also in need of a summer caretaker. The Bureau of Land Management announced Monday that it’s in need of a short-term caretaker this August at Riddle Brothers Ranch.

The Riddle Brother Ranch was built in the early 1900s beside the Little Blitzen River. The Bureau of Land Management purchased the historic property in 1986, and since then the ranch has existed as a hard-to-reach tourist attraction. Access is only permitted from Wed-Sun June to Oct via 4WD high clearance vehicles or horses.

The caretaker’s cabin at the ranch has a bed, electricity, running water, a refrigerator with a freezer, and cooking stove with an oven. Another building a half-mile away has a hot shower and additional food storage.

Those looking for more information or who want to apply can call Tara Thissell at 541-573-4400

Only 6 of the 30 people arrested at the PSU Library occupation were students

Only 6 of the 30 people arrested at the PSU Library occupation were students

It appears the majority of people arrested for occupying the PSU library for the last 3 days were not students. There were a number of 30 and 40 year olds, as well as at least one 60 year old. One arrestee, Elijah Lane, is a federally convicted drug trafficker from Philadelphia. Others also have various criminal records if you look them up.

Here’s some of the amazing amount of damage they did:

Current damage estimates are $750,000 give or take $125,000. That total doesn’t include replacing and repairing damaged technology and furniture.

Rare books and records were saved because a quick thinking staff member sealed off the room before fleeing.

Multnomah homeless plan has utterly failed and cost millions

Multnomah homeless plan has utterly failed and cost millions

Yet another report has come out demonstrating the incompetence and failures of Oregon and Portland leadership – this time (again) due to Multnomah Vega Pederson. It’s a story of incompetent management, millions poured down the drain, doing things for political show, and hiding failures of leadership.

The “Housing Multnomah Now” initiative was supposed to use $14 million to house 300 people into apartments. A year later, however, the program has only placed 37 individuals or households in apartments.

Over the last month, Vega Pederson and other county officials repeatedly refused to answer questions on the record or provide details about how they set the program’s initial targets, identify officials who set them or say whether any review or analysis was conducted.

Read more about how badly this has gone from this article on Oregon Live.