DJ Justice Hit Portland – and I was there
About 2-3 weeks ago, I went to the sold-out DJ Justice concert on a Thursday night. A friend tipped me off on the tickets going on sale and I got like the 125th ticket for $15 (he actually got ticket #1) – which then apparently sold out in record time. The set got started about 11pm and I just about left about 1:30am when they were finishing up. Then, off to work the next day. Thankfully I’d gone home to bed right after work so it wasn’t too bad.
It was a good concert, but those midnight weekday midnights are hard to do. Probably why this was the first one I’d been to in almost a year. Still, they are famous for the song D.A.N.C.E. Turns out there were a few folks there with video/sound going. Here’s two clips from the actual event:
DJ Justice does the song DANCE @ holocene Portland
DJ Justice @ holocene (as shot by my buddy on his little Canon camera. He didn’t know he was taking video while dancing – so just listen, don’t watch and it wasn’t him trying to be artistic)
(hehe, I forgot they’d used the bit from Metallica at the end)