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Category: Photography



Australian photographer Murray Fredericks journeys to the center of Lake Eyre, a desert salt lake. Fredericks drags all of his equipment out into the barren landscape, capturing the dramatic sky reflected in both the inch-deep water and his rectangular mirror. The images are breathtaking color-based works.

Long haul overnight pilot from Europe to South America sets up 10+ hour time lapse…

Long haul overnight pilot from Europe to South America sets up 10+ hour time lapse…

Sales Wick is a long haul pilot and photographer. He was piloting a massive 10+ hour overnight flight from Switzerland to Rio de Janeiro. The route takes them across the Sahara and the Atlantic Ocean. While most people will be settling in for a night of sleep, he sets up his camera and captures this transcendent video. I won’t do it justice, so just read his words:

“(We go) …past the bright city light of the capital of Algeria towards the Sahara. Tonight will be a special night, since its one of the few nights every August where countless shooting stars will be seen all over the night sky. Deriving from the constellation of Perseus, these meteor showers will guide us through the night.

 Just as the bright city lights are vanishing behind us, the Milky way starts to become clearly visible up ahead. It’s now pacing us, at almost the speed of sound, along the invisible highway and the pitch-black night sky above this surreal landscape. Ahead of us are another eight hours flight time, but we already stopped counting the shooting stars. And we got already to a few hundred.”

If you ever doubt there is beauty in the world – watch this.

Atlas of Beauty

Atlas of Beauty

Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc quits her job and travels around the world taking photos of women to create the ‘Atlas of Beauty’. Far from being a beauty contest, she tries to show how we are one large family. I hold out hope we can heal and find a way to live that vision someday.

Skylight – or why waiting 5 minutes gives you a completely different shot during magic hours

Skylight – or why waiting 5 minutes gives you a completely different shot during magic hours

A mind blowing collection of unique moments was captured from mountaintops to rooftops to coastline, at locations including: 
Los Angeles • Chicago • NYC • Tokyo • Singapore • Sydney • New Zealand • Big Sur • Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest • CARMA • Eastern Sierra • Death Valley • Yosemite • Vermillion Cliffs • Mojave Desert

More info about the film and some of the shots is available on Chris Pritchard’s blog.

Skylight from Chris Pritchard on Vimeo.

Stainless – slow-motion train stations

Stainless – slow-motion train stations

Amazing.  Adam Magyar takes high-speed video of crowds as his train pulls into stations and then replays them at slow speed – creating a ghostly passage through the terminal. He did this in New York, Berlin, and Tokyo. Having just been in Shinjuku station a month or so ago, this one is my favorite.