Wii’s Mii theme
Voice assisted tool chest
Ever ask “Where are those red LEDs?” or “Where did I put that electrical tape?” Now you can – and your tool chest will help you.
Time and fashion
Giving up on greenscreen?
CG has always had problems with realism. Eye-lines and focus distances are never perfect. Colors between live/CG elements never quite match. Reflections can be directionally incorrect, missing, or mismatched in color/intensity. Lighting color/intensity/direction is often inconsistent between the live elements and CG elements. Mattes have problems at edges. Motion tracking is usually off by just enough to cause odd movement discontinuities. All of this makes CG look cheap.
But there is a new approach using LED stages – large displays surrounding your shooting scene. It’s completely changing the game. Even more amazing, camera movement and simulation are done using the Unreal gaming engine. Even back in the mid 2000’s, I worked on a project that attempted to use a game engine for movie pre-visualization. That’s how far things have come. The amazing visuals of the Mandalorian were created using this technique – and it’s blowing green-screens away.
When you can’t find a N95 mask
mozu studios creates impressive tiny rooms
Mozu Studios is lead by a young artist that creates the most amazingly detailed tiny rooms/scenes – often hidden in the most unusual places. These were the kind of tiny worlds I dreamed of as a kid…
He even makes some very detailed ‘how-to’ videos that show how he makes these great scenes.