Oregon custom plate search
Want to get a custom Oregon license plate? This guy made a twitter feed that checks for common and funny words you might want and when they come available.
You can check the availability of your desired vanity plate online here: https://dmv2u.oregon.gov/eServices/_/#1

- Look at ‘Vehicle Title & Registration’ section and click ‘Order a new plate’
- ‘Custom Plate Search’ section and click ‘Check custom plate availability’
- Enter 1 character at a time into the 7 position slots and click search. It will tell you if that is available or not.
Interestingly, even if the plate is available it doesn’t mean you can always get it. All vanity plates must pass through 3 different reviewers independently to make sure you’re not trying to slip something nefarious by them. Also, there are some other limitations:
- Currently 6 characters is the max and 1 character is the minimum
- Transliteration happens for the letter O => number 0. i.e. LOOPY == L00PY
- Just because a plate is available for reservation, doesn’t mean it will be issued. Requests can be denied for a number of reasons.
- All Oregon Custom Plates go through a panel, of 3 persons (I believe), who review appropriateness of each Custom Plate Request.
- Just because because a plate configuration isn’t currently restricted doesn’t mean it will pass the review panel.
2 thoughts on “Oregon custom plate search”
I got a custom plate in 2021 and it was only approved by one person (at the desk)