I ran the annual Intel 5k here at work one afternoon and this was my time (albeit the actual course was 3.22 miles instead of 3.10). 8:30/mile pace. Not bad considering this was my first timed 5k race since I was in high school (and I was just running it at my normal nightly pace – not racing it); but honestly, my worst times as a freshman in high school were like this. I think I regularly ran 22-ish minute 5k’s with a few ventures down to the upper 20-minute range.
I still keenly remember the very end of my senior year track season. I was standing on the hill above the track at my high school with my good friend Jason Wortman after having just run a 5:02 mile and saying, “You know, this might be the fastest/best shape we’ll be in for the rest of our lives”. Maybe I should prove that statement wrong… 🙂