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Category: Programming

RAII: Resource Acquisition is Initialization

RAII: Resource Acquisition is Initialization

This is a great little video from the Back to Basics series offered by CppCon. They even have their slides and code on github.

CppCon has a bunch of other great ‘Back to Basics’ videos that cover a whole host of great topics: safe exception handling, move semantics, type erasure, lambdas, and a bunch of other critical but oft misunderstood elements of C++

In this video, you get a refresher on RAII.

“Resource Allocation is Initialization is one of the cornerstones of C++. What is it, why is it important, and how do we use it in our own code?”

Biggest discoveries of the year

Biggest discoveries of the year

Quanta Magazine makes a wonderful set of videos on mathematics, computer science, physics, biology, cosmology, and science fields. They distill amazing discoveries down to quick videos that often include interviews with the very scientists involved. One series I really like is their yearly summary videos that sum up some of the biggest breakthroughs of the year.

The 2021 video has a really great interview on how we’re starting to formalize and start really understanding how neural nets used in AI algorithms work. They used a clever idea of starting with how these networks worked if the net width was infinite.

It’s a great part of my effort to move away from emptier forms of social media consumption and more intentionally spend my time/energy on creative, positive, constructive, uniting, uplifting, and educational efforts.

The 2020 video has a really good segment on the LEAN mathematical proof assistant that is building up a library of theorems and assist in proving them.

You are a CIA agent!

You are a CIA agent!

Back in the day, people learned programming by typing in BASIC programs from books and magazines. Besides the books that came with my TSR-80, if there was one book that got my programming bug off the ground, it had to be this one: Basic Fun with Adventure Games. A book I bought for $0.75 at an school book sale when I was around 5th grade.

Basic Fun with Adventure Games by Susan Drake Lipscomb and Margaret Ann Zuanich

What made this book so amazing is that it not only contains a full text adventure game you can type in, but it also teaches you how to write your own adventure game – from concept to implementation. I remember being blown away at how good this book was. Even today it holds up to teach the requirements and skills needed to program your first game. It certainly worked well enough for me as a 10-12 year old to completely write my own game about finding the deed to a castle after your rich uncle died. Highly recommend checking it out.

It was the most amazing 75 cents I spent in my entire childhood and still holds a special place in my heart. My copy still sits on my bookshelf next to the college programming textbooks.



Fast, tiny, lossless image compression

Fast, tiny, lossless image compression

There are countless image compression formats, and the world likely doesn’t need more. However, Dominic Szablewski was tinkering around with compressing RGB images and came up with his own lossless, super-fast, super-tiny compression algorithm called the Quite Ok Image compression algorithm.

While this is somewhat interesting in itself, the comments have a great discussion of how image compression has gone through a whole history of developments.

DeepMind AI coding engine as good as an average programmer

DeepMind AI coding engine as good as an average programmer

Back in the day, you had to write all your code by hand a text editor like vi or emacs, run the compiler by hand from the command line, and debuggers were also command line/text controlled horrors that were particularly notable painful experiences.

Along came programming IDE’s (Integrated Development Environments), and things started getting much better. Integrated editor, building, and visual debugging. This transformed writing software greatly, improving developer productivity and lives. Along came auto-complete and symbol lookups and yet another milestone of ease was achieved.

Google has taken things to the next level. DeepMind now powers AlphaCode – an AI trained to generate code and they claim it is almost as good as an average human programmer. I have already written about new efforts such as Github Copilot to expand autocomplete to entire code blocks using AI, but AlphaCode solves whole problems. When given coding challenges used in human competitions, it achieved an estimated rank in the top 54% of coders. Google is not alone, Microsoft is now adapting OpenAI’s GPT-3 engine to function as a coding auto-completer as well.

If you want to read about one developer’s experience using Github Copilot, check his article from Wired out.

One potential issue is that these AI engines are trained from open-source projects. Analysis shows that most of the code they generate have serious security vulnerabilities. This means that bad actors might start publishing key code blocks with known vulnerabilities in order to spread these vulnerabilities into commercial projects.

The Write Stuff

The Write Stuff

What does it take to write software that lives depend on and send rockets to space? Fast Company wrote a great article of the software engineers that delivered that software for the Space Shuttle. Particularly noteworthy is the observations of Quinn Larson, 34, had worked on shuttle software for seven years when he left to go to work for Micron Technology automating the saws that cut finished chip wafers to the right size. “It was up to me to decide what to do,” says Larson. “There were no meetings, there was no record-keeping.” He had freedom; it was a real kick. But to Larson’s way of thinking, the culture didn’t focus on, well, the right stuff. “Speed there was the biggest thing,”. Larson eventually went back at the shuttle group. “The people here are just of the highest caliber,” he said on his first day back in Clear Lake.

In interviewing the Shuttle team, they boiled down to 4 key principles that set the development team apart from other software teams:

1. The product is only as good as the plan for the product. At the on-board shuttle group, about one-third of the process of writing software happens before anyone writes a line of code. NASA and the Lockheed Martin group agree in the most minute detail about everything the new code is supposed to do — and they commit that understanding to paper, with the kind of specificity and precision usually found in blueprints. Nothing in the specs is changed without agreement and understanding from both sides. And no coder changes a single line of code without specs carefully outlining the change.

2. Within the whole software team, the team is broken into two seperate groups: the coders and the verifiers. The two outfits report to separate bosses and function under opposing marching orders. The development group is supposed to deliver completely error-free code, so perfect that the testers find no flaws at all. The testing group is supposed to pummel away at the code with flight scenarios and simulations that reveal as many flaws as possible.

3. The software consists of the code and two enormous databases. There is the software. And then there are the databases beneath the software, two enormous databases, encyclopedic in their comprehensiveness. One is the history of the code itself — with every line annotated, showing every time it was changed, why it was changed, when it was changed, what the purpose of the change was, what specifications documents detail the change. Everything that happens to the program is recorded in its master history.

The other database — the error database — stands as a kind of monument to the way the on-board shuttle group goes about its work. Here is recorded every single error ever made while writing or working on the software, going back almost 20 years. For every one of those errors, the database records when the error was discovered; what set of commands revealed the error; who discovered it; what activity was going on when it was discovered — testing, training, or flight. It tracks how the error was introduced into the program; how the error managed to slip past the filters set up at every stage to catch errors — why wasn’t it caught during design? during development inspections? during verification? Finally, the database records how the error was corrected, and whether similar errors might have slipped through the same holes.

4. Don’t just fix the mistakes — fix whatever permitted the mistake. Importantly, the group avoids blaming people for errors. The process assumes blame – and it’s the process that is analyzed to discover why and how an error got through. At the same time, accountability is a team concept: no one person is ever solely responsible for writing or inspecting code. “You don’t get punished for making errors,” says Marjorie Seiter, a senior member of the technical staff. “If I make a mistake, and others reviewed my work, then I’m not alone. I’m not being blamed for this.”

Dealing with Time Zones in Code

Dealing with Time Zones in Code

The real answer is to always use seconds since an epoch for logging – like the Unix epoch – with 64 bit integer representation (signed, if you want to allow stamps before the epoch). Any real-world time system has some non-linear, non-monotonic behaviour like leap hours or daylight savings.

Cracking the Zodiac killer’s code

Cracking the Zodiac killer’s code

Until 2020, the 340 character cipher remained un-decrypted. There have been no end to the theories about the meaning of the code and the identity of its author from would-be sleuths. With the solution text now out and standing up to scrutiny, it’s a wonderful reminder that internet sleuths need to be taken with a grain of salt.

One of these sleuths, Sam Blake, decided to contact programmer David Oranchak of Roanoke, Virginia after he gave a talk on it at the annual meeting of the American Cryptogram Association. Blake was particularly intrigued by the idea of homophonic substitution where one letter might be swapped for more than one symbol and then re-arranged in a systematic way. This generated a whole host of new ways to read the cypher.

Here’s Oranchak’s talk:

Oranchak took what he’d found to Jarl van Eycke, a Belgian warehouse worker and codebreaker who’d written AZdecrypt, software used for decoding homophonic substitutions. Van Eycke used an updated version of his software to churn through the possibilities. Using misspellings and characteristics from Zodiac’s previous writings things started falling into place.

The code used a tremendous amount of computing power, power that was definitely not available in 1960’s. The techniques involved in cracking it weren’t like the ones used in modern cryptography, so it’s explains why few people have used such statistical models on what is essentially a one-off code.

Oranchak sent their solution to contacts at the FBI, and by the end of 2020, the FBI had verified the methodology and results. In March 2021, Blake wrote about how he’d used Mathematica, a math software package, for his part, and in January, van Eycke made headlines again when he cracked an unsolved 386-year-old code composed by a Dutch scientist.

You can read more about the journey here, or check out the 9 part series about solving the code on Oranchak’s youtube channel.