Cult of Multilevel Direct Sales/Direct Marketing
Ever see people doing demonstrations in big box stores, fairs, or outdoor markets? They’re usually showing off the latest knifes, miracle cleaning products, heating pads, etc. These are almost always multilevel marketing schemes.

MLM’s are marketing machines that have used the entrepreneur bandwagon and selling the idea of controlling your own destiny/ownership. While some may be legitimate, a great number of them are just thinly veiled pyramid schemes. As you move up, you are called an ‘owner’ but are always working in the pyramid – just with a different title. Many of those in these organizations make little money despite working insanely long hours.
Researchers have found these businesses are increasingly operated with the same methods as cults. Yes, cults. They push endless positivity, promote a step-by-step plans for entrepreneurial ‘salvation’, invent their own terminology, and create in/out dynamics to isolate and keep people from questioning what they’re doing. All techniques cults use.
It’s worth reading about these techniques, because as researchers are finding, these cult-like control techniques are increasingly spreading to social media, business, political groups, and social justice movements. It might be time to move past the word ‘cult’ as people don’t realize that the techniques can be used to ensnare anyone for almost anything – and they pull in even the smartest people.
I’ve written about how startup culture often has this same cult-like atmosphere.
Read more about the truth behind direct marketing here: