Saving the largest commercial CRT ever made

Saving the largest commercial CRT ever made

The Sony Trinitron KX-45ED1, aka the PVM-4300, is thought to be the largest CRT TV ever sold to consumers. It has a 43-inch visible diagonal on its 45-inch tube and weighs in at almost 440 lbs. The stand alone is over 170lbs. At the time, it cost $40,000 USD in 1989 (or about $100K today, adjusted for inflation)

Long since thought gone, Shank Mods managed to save an extremely rare 43-inch Sony Trinitron KX-45ED1 from an untimely ending. It was being kept on the second floor of an Osaka noodle shop called Chikuma Soba – a building due for demolition in just a few weeks.

It was moved from the soba shop, crated up, and shipped to the US. While it worked well – it did need servicing. The alignment was off, had some tube cataracts, and the dynamic convergence amplifier circuit had failed. They worked on them all and have a very nice display.

The video describes the incredible journey and is definitely worth a watch


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