Fish goes shopping
Japanese Streamer Mutekimaru Channel has a long-running series where their pet fish plays a variety of pokemon games. It does this by swimming over a grid of labeled controls, which is then picked up by a motion tracker that relays which controls the fish is currently swimming over.
During a recent stream of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the game unexpectedly crashed.
First, the fish navigated to the home menu, opening up the settings and changed their owner’s switch username. After this, it browsed around it’s owner’s friends list. The fish decided that it wanted to browse the eshop. The fish opened it’s owner’s wallet page, revealing their credit card information live on stream. The fish then decided to add 500 yen to it’s owners eshop balance.
It got into the Nintendo Switch Online App, where it would purchase a variety of profile icons and download the N64 App. Satisfied with its exploits, the fish then returned to the home screen and closed the console, ending its reign of terror.