Instant followers for your social media – under $10

Instant followers for your social media – under $10

One of the critical arguments during the purchase of Twitter was how many accounts were bots. Bots are probably much more rampant in social media and games than people think – or would like to think. With things like ChatGPT, people are quickly realizing how easy it has been for bad actors to flood social media (from reddit to Facebook) to disrupt our elections and foment rebellions (and protests) in countries to destabilize governments (include in the US).

Smarter Every Day did an entire series on how easy it is to manipulate everything from Facebook to Youtube to Reddit. Reddit even has whole forums that are just bots talking to each other. Go read through it – it’ll shock you how easily bots create and control conversations on these platforms.

How easy is it to get followers and spread misinformation? What if I told you that you could get 1000 followers for $20? If you have a modest sized advertising budget (or part of a country’s defense/espionage budget), you could spend $5,000 and get 250,000 followers or only $20,000 and get a MILLION followers. This is true for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and just about any other platform. Don’t believe me? Here’s just one example from BoosterGod:

So, maybe being an ‘influencer’ with a million subscribers isn’t quite as impressive as you’d think. That isn’t even a blip on most corporate advertising budgets – and nothing to a foreign power.

It might be worth an experiment if you have the cash. An influencer with 1 million subscribers can usually get advertising sponsorships and product advertising deals that far exceed $20,000 – so it might even pay for itself…

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